UpUp Mobile APP

Cooperation Model:



Business challenge

  • The app is intended to connect people interested in all areas of self-development and coaches who can help them.
  • Our goal was to create fast, safe and intuitive space where both can communicate and grow.

The Challenge

  • The app has both client and coach sides, so we needed to plan for both categories to achieve our growth goals.
  • We had to implement and integrate two distinct sets of functionality and UI, and then seamlessly connect them. Furthermore, both sides had to be engaging and user-friendly, ensuring new clients had an easy start and existing clients remained motivated.

What We Did

  • [ 01 ]For the user side, we created separate spaces for mental and physical growth, as well as for gaining new skills. Additionally, we added progress tracking, statistics, and an activity calendar to help users plan their activities and visually track their gains for motivation.
  • [ 02 ]For the coach side, we developed a complete infrastructure for creating, promoting, and selling new courses and training plans. Coaches can create scheduled activities, record video and audio instructions, and sell courses or offer personal support.
  • [ 03 ]Both parts are connected in clear and recognizable way using a list of available trainings with options to filter, search and buy them.
  • [ 04 ]Additionally, users are encouraged to create personal training plans and share them with friends, fostering user-generated content and increasing in-app engagement.
  • [ 05 ]The protected, verified payment options we added make in-app purchases fast and safe, so that business doesn't lose clients at the payment stage.

The Result

  • In the end, the business received a stable app that entertains users, motivates them to stay engaged, and encourages purchases. Additionally, the app provides an easy-to-use environment for coaches to create and sell more courses and programs.

Vision Statemen

At UpUp, we believe in the power of enduring partnerships over transient client relationships. Our vision is to forge long-term collaborations, focusing on a select group of clients. Our commitment is not only to address present needs but to anticipate future challenges, ensuring our clients are always at the forefront of technological advancements.

  • check24 hours - max response time.
  • checkA real person will answer you.
  • checkNo AI-generated emails.
  • Direct contacthello@upup.one


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